Event Calendar

Monday Madness

9:00 AM / Comments (0) / by BayScope

Happy Monday!

With the new year officially here, it's about time for us all to return to our regular routines, but that doesn't mean we have to stop celebrating. Here are a few last minutes events I found for Monday night's entertainment.

Free Pilates Workout & Massage
Sports Basement
1881 Ygnacio Valley Road, Walnut Creek

If you're regular gym routine seems to be getting a little boring, now's the time to branch out and view other options. This is a Free Pilates class and a great opportunity for an intense cardio workout. They ask that you bring handweights (between 3 and 10lbs), athletic shoes, a towel, and a yoga mat. For more info you can email "Toni" at alum@ sportsbasement.com

Learn to Salsa Dance
Rockit Room
406 Clement St., SF

In my opinion, everyone should Salsa at least once in their life. Here is a great place for beginners and even intermediates to work on their skills. The great part is that you don't even need to bring a partner! Show up early to learn the steps and finish the night in freestyle. There really is no downside.

Quiet Lightning 2.0 - A Night of Readings
Public Works SF
161 Erie St. SF

Here is where you really get a bang for your buck. For only $3 you can spend an evening listening to all forms of local artistic literature. From journal entries to monologues, poetry to prose, this is a great way to end a Monday. If not, it was only 3 bucks.

As a side note, I'd love to feature some event pictures! Let me know if there's something great I missed out on. I love seeing pictures of events, and I think they'd make the blog even greater. Enjoy the day.



All reviews and opinions on this blog are my own. Any photos posted are either my own or belong to a contributor, posted with their permission. Event information has been found online via several event sites and compiled here, so if any event information is incorrect, or an event it cancelled, you can blame that on the site I found it on.